So You Think You've Been Hexed
How to Remove Curses,
Hexes and other Black Magicks
You are exposed to negative energy every single day. Our environment is awash with it. Most of us live hurried, rushed lives as though we are in competition and the result is: anger, frustration and even open hostility. Every day we have run-ins with speeding drivers, jealous coworkers, envious neighbors each and everyone emitting harmful energy as they send negative vibes out into the Universe. . . some of which is directed straight at you.
Stress, anxiety, anger, aggression, fear, jealousy, spite, depression, energy vampires, negative places and arguments all work to build and create harmful energy that can cling to your aura or build up in your home and cause very real health issues. Negative energy can change the mood of a room, or an office. It can come between friends and lovers. It can shift your personal vibration and even harm your energy field. Negative energy can cause sickness and even accelerate the aging process. When negative energy is directed at you it has the power, like a switch being flipped, to change a good mood into a bad one. Words have power. While many accept this, what they don’t understand is that our thoughts do too. Thoughts are energy and when we judge someone, when we think ill of a person, we send out harmful energy directed right at that person. An attack can leave the victim stressed out and fatigued. It can cause headaches, heart palpitations, a spike in blood pressure. It can lead to depression, trigger an illness, and even start a run of unfortunate circumstances or 'bad luck'.
Envy is a powerful malicious emotion. It is often behind the most heinous of acts. Every one of us has been the victim of envy from petty snipes to full-out slander. Feelings of jealousy can wreck relationships and destroy peaceful environments. A jealous coworker can transform a peaceful job into an unendurable hell. A jealous neighbor can obliterate the harmony of a neighborhood. A jealous lover can transform a sweet relationship into a heartbreaking one. A jealous sibling can destroy a family.
Jealousy as Poison
To the shaman, when one acts jealously, they are shooting out negative energy in the form of poison darts that bring ill luck, misfortune, and even sickness. Voodoo is riffle with curses that stem from envy and ways to break them. One cure is to have the one who created the curse to spit in a vessel of the holy water which is then given to the victim to drink. Rolling a raw egg over the body is another antidote. It is then cracked open and studied. It may take several eggs repeatedly rolled over the person’s body until an egg without an eye is found. To cure an unwilling victim, a raw egg may be left under their bed and retrieved the next morning.
The Evil Eye
One of the oldest curses is the Evil Eye, a poisonous thought in the form of a malicious gaze or a jealous glance that has the
power to curse and bring about destruction. The Evil Eye is referenced 30 times in the Bible where it is synonymous with envy,
jealousy and covetousness. Thou shalt not covet is one of the Ten Commandments. In Hebrew the word covet or keshep means
'to poison' or to send out envious thoughts that harm not only you and the person you are sending them out to but the whole
environment as well. In many cultures it is held that a covetous glance will cause misfortune or injury.
Garlic is an age-old remedy for the Evil Eye. Take 3 cloves of garlic and grind into a paste. Rub the paste on the souls of your shoes, and on the front step of your home to reverse ill wishes. Or paint a Protective Eye Charm. Travel to Eastern Europe and you will find Nazars, light blue eye-shaped charms made of dark blue glass. The Turkish word Nazar means "sight" or "seeing" and the charm is carried to negate envious thoughts and deflect unwanted attention. You can make your own Protective Eye Rock Charm to repel ill wishes. Choose a smooth stone and paint a white eye at the center. Line it in blue. Paint a light blue iris with a black pupil and carry to ward against personal attacks.
Employ a Hamsa
The Hamsa is an ancient Islamic, Jewish, and Christian talisman used in the Middle East to repel curses and negative energy. It
is an open right hand with an equal length index finger and ring finger and a longer middle finger. A blue eye is set at the
center. The word hamsa comes from the Arabic word for the number 5, for the 5 fingers of the hand. In Islam, the hamsa
represents the hand of Fatima, Mohammed’s daughter. In the Jewish tradition, the hamsa is the hand of Miriam, the sister of
Moses. To Middle Eastern Christians it refers to the hand of Mary, the mother of Jesus.
You can make your own Hamsa by covering a cardboard cutout of a hand with aluminum foil. Make the fingers symmetrical with
each outside pair being the same length with the middle as the longest. Draw a large eye in the center. Paint the eye white.
Line it in virgin blue. Paint a light blue iris with a black pupil and you will have a traditional Hamsa to ward your home of
negative energy.
Nature offers a wide range of protective items that can be made into charms to carry in a pocket, bag, or to wear on a string. Try: binding a small bundle of pine needles with natural twine use any part of the dogwood plant (Cornus Florida) or any part of a willow tree, or wear or carry stones with a natural hole through them. Chalcedony, Jade, and Lapis are wonderful stones to carry for protection. An amulet made of Black Onyx will banish negativity and ward off psychic attacks.
Use Some Herbal Power
Herbs can lend their power. If you must face a jealous rival, employ some herbal magick.
Betony blocks negativity in a relationship
Burdock ends bad thoughts and feelings
Celandine protects against undue negative situations
Elecampane rids a room of hostile energy
Pennyroyal blocks the negativity of others
Rosemary dispels negative energy.
Make a Protective Amulet
Amulets have been worn down through the ages. They can be intricate works of art or simple cotton pouches. There are as many different kinds of amulets as there are intentions. Amulets are worn to draw luck, love, and prosperity. The can aid with living in the flow so life runs smoothly and amulets can be worn for protection. Protective amulets deflect harmful energy so that it cannot interfere with your energy. You can make a protective amulet with a handful of protective herb and a pouch. Just stuff the pouch and wear or carry for protection.
The Magick of Sage
For centuries smudging, the burning of aromatic herbs, has been a common practice for purifying objects and locations. If your home or room feels stagnant you may want to try smudging with sage. Smudging is the ancient practice of burning aromatic herbs to purifying objects and locations. Smudging calls positive energy into a space while removing negative energy. It is the spiritual equivalent to bathing and is a great way to clear depression, stress or the energy where an illness occurred. Smudging clears away bad vibes and negativities. To smudge a room, simply light a bundle of sage and walk around the room as you waft the smoke into each corner. Sage and sweet grass are popular smudging herbs used for cleansing, balance and purification. If you've had an especially bad day you can even smudge yourself. Simply light a sage wand and waft the scented smoke around your body or step through it. Not only will this dispel any negativity clinging to your aura, it will lift your spirit and ease your troubles.
The Power of Salt
Salt is magickal in its ability to absorb, break down and neutralize. Salt is a natural preservative. It kills bacteria. It is a natural desiccation agent, an oxidizer (it sucks up water about as well as anything). It is corrosive or causes things to rust, and when mixed with water, salt is a very strong conductor of electricity. Salt is an age-old protective aid strewn in thresholds, cast over the shoulder and added to baths. The humble mineral is both a purifier and protector that will cleanse and banish negative energy that may cling to an object, person, or area. If you do become afflicted and suspect you have been hexed, add a handful of sea salt to your bathwater and soak to negate the curse. Sprinkle salt across the floor of any room to clear negative energy. Add salt to washwater and wipe down the surfaces or asperse. Aspersing is the act of sprinkling with liquid in order to effect spiritual and magickal cleansing. This is an ancient rite, just like burning incense. Aspersing rituals enlist both the elemental power of Water and Earth. To cleanse a room of negativity simply dissolve sea salt in rain or spring water and sprinkle the perimeter of the room or rooms that need to be cleansed.
The Old Charcoal Treatment
Another tool that is handy for absorbing negative energy is Charcoal. Place a few briquettes of charcoal in a dish to absorb toxins and negative energy. This is an easy and effective way to clear a room of anxiety after an argument or to absorb negativity left by annoying visitors. Before moving into a new home, remove the energy of the previous tenant by placing three briquettes on a dish and leaving overnight in the middle of the room. Retrieve the next day and carry the briquettes out the door. Dispose. A dish of charcoal can aid in dealing with a troublesome roommate or houseguest. Place a dish of briquettes under the difficult person’s bed. Leave to soak up and neutralize the negative energy.
The Protective Nature of Iron
The time-honored belief in the magical protective powers of iron and steel goes back to antiquity. Iron has long been used to ward off the unwanted attentions of nature spirits. A handful of rusty nails added to a witches' bottle is a popular talisman to keep evil energy away from the home and its occupants. An iron nail driven into the four corners of your property will keep thieves and unwanted guests away. Hang a horseshoe to keep good luck in the home. An iron nail found near a railroad track brings good luck and can be worn or hung for protection.
Elemental Invocation to Banish Obstacles
Invoke the power of the Elementals to remove obstacles blocking the flow of positive energy into your life. You can use this to anytime as an emergency spell if you or someone you love is in need. However, there is some prep time involved as you must first collect the supplies and freeze the water.
You will need:
A plastic cup that you have filled with water and frozen
a glass dish ( a clear glass pie dish works well)
Eucalyptus oil
Six bay leaves
For Earth - 1 cup of Sand that you have collected from a place of power or Salt.
For Air - a stick of incense or a bell
For Fire - 6 candles of the same color. You can use White, Black to banishing, Gray to reverse, Brown to power, Orange to infuse, or red to protect. Choose your color by matching with your intent.
For Water -1 cup of rain water or spring water
Pour the sand onto your workspace. Pat it smooth and draw a hexagram with your finger (Two interlocking triangles). Place the glass dish on the sand. Arrange the bay leaves in the dish. Anoint the candles with the oil and set around the dish. Dump the frozen cube of water onto the bay leaves. Light your candles. If using incense to signify air, light it and keep it in your hand. Waft the smoke as you say,
"Powers that be hear my call,
Lest my endeavors no longer stall
but with your aid the path is cleared
as the desires in my heart are now mirrored
in the physical realm where they form
so that my reality becomes transformed!”
(If using a bell, ring it at the end of each stanza)
Say as many times as you need to get the energy flowing. Then meditate as the ice melts. Visualizing the positive energy coursing through your life sweeping away the obstacles in its path.
Black Magick
Has your luck shifted? Are you experiencing a run of small accidents? Perhaps you have developed a persistent cough that just won't release you? Has your sleep pattern been interrupted and you lay there, night after night, with open eyes staring? When darkness falls, does your skin prickle? Does fear steal through your thoughts? Do you feel worn down for no reason? Each of these examples are symptoms of the psychic attack and just maybe, you have been hexed. There is much debate about hexes and curses in the magickal community. Some even hold that a curse will not work unless the victim believes he has been hexed, and while this is true to some extent, words have power to work on our psyche, there are real hexes that when intentionally cast, will set in motion a string of negativity that can harry the victim. There are spellcasters among us, and like those magickal persons of the past, not all are ethical. Some use magick to solve all of their problems and will ignore the rule of harm none, stopping at nothing to promote their own happiness. If you provoke the ire of one, you may find yourself the focus of a spiteful spell or harmful wish. You may not notice when one of them focuses negative energy at you, not at first anyway. But such hostility can unleash all sorts of problems from health and emotional issues to a string of bad luck. A true hex is when one knowingly manipulates universal energy to cause harm, releasing it with the intent to attack someone. You might think this sounds hokie, but this is very real and if left untreated, a hex can whittle away at a victim affecting their mood, their thoughts, their health, their luck, their families and even follow beyond their grave.
Negative vibrations act like a magnet that attract more and more harmful energy. At some point we all become targets. If you find yourself victim to viscous words or spiteful deeds there are ways to deflect the negative energy. If you begin to experience feelings of exhaustion or an unexplained illness, find yourself caught in a cycle of bad luck or the victim of jealousy then just maybe you have been hexed.
First step, take saltwater bath to clear your energy.
Make a batch of Magickal Bath Salts
Mix 1 cup Epsom salts
1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup sea salt
Measure salts into a jar.
Energy Clearing Bath
To 1/2 cup a of bath salts add equal parts:
clove oil, peppermint oil, lemon oil and eucalyptus oil
Strew mixture under the running faucet and soak to clear your energy. When you step from the tub, smudge yourself with the sweet smoke of Sage, Frankincense or Myrrh. Now you are ready to work some counter magick.
Spell to Stop a Troublemaker
You will need:
A piece of paper
a pen
a jar with a screw on lid
2 long nails
a lime
a handful of ash
a cup of salt
a cup of vinegar
Write the name of the troublemaker on the paper. Fold it twice away form you. Take the lime and make 2 incisions one diagonally and one horizontal. Do not cut all the way through. Place the paper inside the lime. Skewer the lime with each nail. Put the lime into the jar and pour the ash, salt, and vinegar over it. Screw the lid on tight. Set the jaw on an out of the way shelf on a shelf.
Dow the Drain Spell to Send Back the Hex
You will need:
9 nails
a bottle with a cork or lid
a sprig of Rosemary
1 cup of curdled milk
1 cup of stale wine
Drop the nails and the herb into the bottle. Pour in the milk and wine. Cork the bottle and give it a good shake as you say,
“Anger and spite makes a vicious brew. One that I now return to you.
Hurt and harm you have inflicted, but no more for in this bottle trapped curls your venom.”
Pour salt into the sink to purify it. Give the bottle another shake then pop the cork and pour the contents down the drain.
”Pain and misery flow from me.
Flow back to the one who sent them.
By Earth, by Air, by Fire and by Water,
the curse you sent is shed and returned.
I am free, I am clear,
I am protected as you now reap what you have sown.”
Rinse the mess down the sink with hot water. Pick out the nails and bury in the earth. Rinse the bottle well. Then leave out in a sunny place for the light to clear it fully.
Fill a small dark glass jar 3/4 of the way with the carrier oil of your choice.
Then add: 3 drops peppermint oil 3 drops of pine oil 4 drops of rue or rosemary oil 1/4 teaspoon crushed black peppercorns
Fill a small dark glass jar 3/4 of the way with olive oil. Add 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper a handful of pine needles a sprig of rosemary Let sit for 3 days. Strain before use.
Fill a small dark glass jar 3/4 of the way with the carrier oil of your choice. Add: 3 drops Cypress oil, 2 drops Clove oil, 2 drops Cedarwood oil
Freezer Binding Spell
This is one of the first spells I learned. It's a very simple spell to stop someone from causing trouble for you. It doesn't harm them physically or emotionally, although it is an attempt to manipulate another's actions
You will need:
a freezer
a zip lock bag
a piece of paper
and a pen
Meditate on the actions of the person you wish to stop. Distill your intention into a concise statement. Write it on the piece of paper along with the person’s name saying:
“This slip of paper is (name), and his/her actions against me.
I hereby freeze (name) and bind him/her from causing me harm.
As my will so mote it be.”
If the person is not known to you, say,
“This slip
of paper is the unknown one and their actions against me.
I hereby freeze them and bind them from causing me harm.
As my
will so mote it be.”
Fold the paper away from you into a compact shape and place the paper in the baggie. Fill the baggie with enough water to
submerge the paper. Place the water filled baggie in the freezer and freeze it solid. Keep it there until the difficulty is resolved,
then thaw and bury the paper in the earth, pouring the water on the ground and saying,
“I release you from the binding,
on the
understanding that you are not to harm me again.
As my will so mote it be.”
A Simple Knot Spell
Knot magic is simple yet ancient form of magic that is most often employed in protection work in which a spell caster ties knots in a cord while having a fixed image of a person in mind, to literally 'binding' the image with the intention of restraining or containing a negative action. This protection spell can be done anywhere and anytime you need to quickly diffuse a situation. Of course it is more effective if you can take the time to create your magical space and center yourself. Take a cord in your lap and visualize the person and harmful action you need to contain. Hold the image firmly in your mind allowing as much emotion as you can to build, then tie a knot in the cord. When you are finished, keep the cord making sure that the knot doesn't come undone.
The best cure for envy is to avoid it. Guard your thoughts and watch your words. Do not boast. Don't flaunt your good fortune. When you notice yourself reacting negatively take action. Change your thought process. Work to transform your thoughts with this
Spell to Banish Jealousy
You will need:
a small fire
1 square of green cloth
some cotton string
a fire proof dish
paper and pen
Think of all the jealous thoughts you wish to banish. Take the pen and write one down. Project your feeling onto the page as you write it. Tear the entry from the page and tossing it onto the green cloth. Write your next jealous thought and repeat until you have a pile of paper strips. When you have captured all of your envious feelings, take the cloth and tie up the corners with the string to make a bundle. Make a fire and toss the bundle into the flames. As you watch your jealousy go up in smoke, say,
“As this bundle burns and the paper turns to ash,
so do my negative feelings and emotions shrivel and shrink until there are none.
I am free.”
Control Your Thoughts
Your life is a projection of your thoughts and beliefs. It is through this perception that determines the way you experience your reality. If you feel that your life is stuck in rut, or you are living under your own personal rain cloud, chances are it’s your own doing and these limiting constraints are constructs of your thoughts. Break free by shifting your thoughts to the positive. Adopting a positive outlook will transform your whole reality. You can have the life you want simply by changing the way you look at it for when one perceives things to be a certain way, then for them, it in fact, becomes however it was perceive by them to be. Which means your happiness starts with you, your attitude, and how you allow yourself to see your world. When you fall into a patch of negative thinking, catch yourself and redirect your thoughts. If you find your mind lingering on situations you cannot change, or troubles from the past, rein your thoughts back to the present and set them on something bright.
Create a Personal Mantra
We’ve all seen movies where a stressed character begins to whisper,
“Keep it together, keep it together.”
This is an example of a mantra. A mantra is a string of sounds or a meaningful phrase that is repeated to shift ones consciousness. A personal mantra can be any string of sounds that draws the mind back to the present. Create your own mantra. Our brain believes what it hears. Next time you find your thoughts lurking in a dark, angry place, snap out of it by switching to an attitude of Gratitude.
Being thankful is an instant way to shift your mood. Smile and say,
“Thank you for all that I have,
All that I am,
and all the potential I have to be.”
If you find yourself caught in a loop of negative thoughts that you can’t seem to slip, tie them up with this thread spell.
Tangle Spell to Banish Personal Negativity
You will need:
A bottle with a cork or lid
a variety of thread made of natural fibers
Take a piece of thread and knot the negative energy into it. Choose your thread accordingly, for example: for a major irritation use a thick piece of thread, for a smaller but persistent irk, use a long thin one.
Consider the emotion invoked and apply using maybe: green for envy, brown for pride, red for anger.
Take the thread and begin tying knots in it, and as you knot, release the negative emotion visualizing it stuck in the tangle as you say,
”Tangle the anger,
tangle the pain,
tangle the impatience.
Free me again.”
Repeat with each knot. When your thread is knotted enough, and all of your negativity extracted, drop it into the bottle and seal it saying,
“My thoughts are positive,
my heart is light,
my spirit is free. I
am once again the person I was meant to be.”
Keep your bottle to use again, only opening it when you need to add another aggravation, fear or worry.
Self Doubt
Are you your own worse enemy? Do you hold yourself back? Fear of your potential, non-action, not having faith in your abilities has the power to hex yourself worse than any enemy could. Self Doubt will undermine a positive person and send them spiraling into helplessness but combating it is easy. When you feel yourself beginning a negative spiral, consciously cancel the negative thought with a positive one. If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation where you are suddenly unsure of yourself or the situation use this
Free to be Me Spell
to shore up your confidence.
Look into a mirror and take three deep breaths and say,
”I am free to be the wonderful me that I am.
Wherever I am, or wherever I go,
I will always be free to be me.
I am a special someone.
I am me and there is none like me and none that I'd rather be than me.
I am loved. I am loved. I Am Love.” .