Herbal Properties
To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Keep Silent.
Here is a list of some common herbs to use in your magickal workings
Acacia: Psychic Development, Protection Against Psychic Attack, Uncrossing, Protection Against Hexes
Adam & Eve Roots: Love, Happiness
Agrimony: Uncrossing, Protection, Rest, Invisibility, Banishing, Binding, Hexing, Disbursing Negative Energy, Reversals,
Returning Negative Energy To Its Source
Alfalfa: Prosperity, Anti-Hunger, Money
All-Heal: Healing, Health, Vitality
Allspice: Money, Luck, Healing
Almond: Money, Prosperity, Wisdom
Aloe: Healing, Protection Against Harmful Spirits, Luck, Water Elemental Invocation
Alyssum: Protection, Moderating Anger
Amaranth: Healing Heartbreak, Protection, Invisibility
Amber: Mental Magic, Balance, Protection, Protection Against Harmful Spirits, Protection Against Hexes, Protection
Against Psychic Attack
Anemone: Health, Protection, Healing
Angelica: Exorcism, Hex Breaking, Divination, Prophecy, Disburses Negative Energy, Protection, Healing
Anise: Protection, Purification, Youth
Apple: Love, Healing, Garden Magic, Immortality
Apricot: Love
Arrow Root: Banishing, Defense, Protection, Psychic Awareness. Ward Negativity with Arrowroot Powder or dust over
your body to change your destiny.
Ash: Protection, Prosperity, Sea Rituals, Health
Aspen: Eloquence, Anti-Theft
Aster: Love
Avocado: Love, Lust, Beauty
Bachelor's Buttons: Love
Balm of Gilead: Love, Manifestations, Protection, Healing
Bamboo: Protection, Luck, Hex-Breaking, Wishes
Banana: Fertility, Potency, Prosperity
Barley: Love, Healing, Protection
Basil: Circle Casting, Flying, Exorcism, Protection, Warding Off Harmful Spirits, Love, Wealth
Bay: Protection, Purification, Vitality, Psychic Development, Healing
Bayberry: Business Success, Wealth
Beech: Wishes
Beet: love
Belladonna: Astral Projection, Visions **TOXIC**
Benzoin: Purification, Circle Casting, Wealth, Protection
Bergamot, Orange: Money, Prosperity and Success
Betony, Wood: Protection, Purification, Love
Birch: Protection, Exorcism, Purification and Cleansing
Blackberry: Healing, Money, Protection
Bladderwrack: Protection, Sea Spells, Wind Spells,Money, Psychic Powers
Bleeding Heart: Love
Bluebell: Luck, Truth
Blueberry: Protection
Borage: Courage, Psychic Powers
Bromeliad: Protection, Money
Broom: Purification, Protection, Wind Spells, Divination
Buckthorn: Protection, Exorcism, Wishes, Legal Matters
Buckwheat: Money, Protection
Burdock : Protection, Healing
Cabbage: Luck
Caper: Potency, Lust, Luck
Caraway: Protection, Lust, Health, Anti-Theft, Mental Powers
Cardamon: Lust, Love
Carnation: Protection, Strength, Healing
Carob: Protection, Health
Carrot: Fertility, Lust
Catnip: Familiar Magic, Spirit Familiar Invocation, Beauty, Love, Joy
Cedar Healing, Purification, Money, Protection
Celandine: Protection, Escape, Happiness, Legal Matters
Celery: Mental Powers, Lust, Psychic Powers
Chamomile: Rest, Prosperity, Purification, Water Elemental Invocation, Romance.
Drink a brew of chamomile tea to prepare the mind and body for magick work.
Cherry: Love, Divination
Chestnut: Love
Chickweed: Fertility, Love
Chicory: Removing Obstacles, Invisibility, favors, Frigidity
Cinnamon: Lust, Success, Strength, Spirituality, Healing, Divination, Protection, Love
Cinquefoil: Money, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Sleep
Clove: Prosperity, Romance, Protection, Exorcism
Columbine: Courage, Love
Comfrey: Safety During Travel, protects against theft of money
Copal: A resin prominently used in Meso-American ceremonies. Protection, Divination, Cleansing, Purification,
Banishment, Exorcism, Hex-breaking, Love spells, Meditation
Coriander: Love, Health and Healing
Corn: Protection, Luck, Divination
Cotton: Luck, Healing, Protection, Rain, Fishing Magic
Cowslip: Healing, Youth, Treasure Finding
Crocus: Love, Visions
Cucumber: Chastity, Healing, Fertility
Cumin: Protection, Fidelity, Exorcism
Daffodil: Love, Fertility, Luck
Daisy: Lust, Luck
Damiana: Dreams, Lust, Love, Visions
Dandelion: Spirit Magic, Wish Magic, Prophetic Dreams, Divination, Health
Date : Fertility, Potency. Dates have been considered sacred since the dawn of time. They were used as offerings to the
Gods in Babylon and Greece. Date syrup was holy to the Hebrews. The fruits were also used by ancient Persians to
celebrate the death and resurrection of Zoroaster, a Christ figure who dates back to 500 BC. Dried dates are considered
fruits of the spiritual realm and are symbolic of the eternal resurrection of the soul. To live off dates is to be free of
worldly concerns, though paradoxically, such a diet is said to make one extremely potent sexually.
Datura: Hex Breaking, Sleep, Protection
Dill: Protection, Money, Lust, Luck
Dittany of Crete: Divination, Astral projection. When burnt spirits may appear int the smoke.
Dragon's Blood: resin from rattan palms (Daemonorops Draco) Used to bind good fortune to any outcome and protects
against spells misfiring.
Echinacea: Healing, Protection, Strengthens Spells, Defensive Magic
Elecampane: Love, Protection, Psychic Powers
Endive: Lust, Love
Eucalyptus: Healing, Protection, Water Elemental Invocation
Eyebright: Mental Powers, Psychic Power
Fennel: Protection, Healing, Purification
Fenugreek: Money
Fern: Weather Magic, Exorcism, Air Elemental Invocation, Good Fortune, Immortality, Protection, Wealth, Healing
Feverfew: Protection
Fig : Divination, Fertility, Love
Flax: Money, Protection, Beauty, Psychic Powers, Healing
Foxglove: Protection
Frankincense: Protection, Courage, Safety, Exorcism, Spirituality, Consecration, Blessing, Visions, Healing.
Burn anytime you are frightened to increase protection. Promotes feelings of safely and spirituality.
Galangal: also known as Low John The Conqueror Root Protection, Lust, Health, Money,Psychic Powers, Hex-Breaking,
Use to win favor of a jury.
Gardenia: Love, Peace, Healing, Spirituality, Full moon Goddess rituals
Garlic: Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Protection from Theft, Fertility
Ginger: Romance, Love, Prosperity, Control, Success, Mental Magic
Grape: Fertility, Garden Magic, Mental Powers, Money
Grass: Psychic Powers, Protection
Heather: Protection, Rain Making, Luck
Heliotrope: Exorcism, Prophetic Dreams, Healing,Wealth, Invisibility
Hellebore, Black: Protection ****TOXIC***
Hemp: Healing, Love, Vision, Meditation
Henbane: Love Attraction ***TOXIC***
Henna: Healing
Hibiscus: Lust, Love, Divination
High John the Conqueror: Money, Love, Success, Happiness
Holly: Protection, Anti-Lightning, Luck, Dream Magic, Balance
Honeysuckle: Money, Psychic Powers, Protection
Hops: Healing, Sleep, banish worry
Horehound: Protection, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Healing
Horseradish: Purification, Exorcism
Huckleberry: Luck, Protection, Dream Magic, Hex Breaking
Hyacinth: Love, Protection, Happiness
Hydrangea: Hex Breaking
Hyssop: Purification, Protection
Indian Paint Brush: Love
Iris: Purification, Wisdom
Ivy: Health, Healing, Protection
Jasmine: Love, Money, Prophetic Dreams
Kava-Kave: Visions, Protection, Luck
Lady's Mantle -- Love
Lady's Slipper -- Protection
Larkspur: Health, Protection
Lavender: Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity. Use to enhance the effects of any spell.
Leek: Love, Protection, Exorcism
Lemon: Longevity, Purification, Love, Friendship
Lemon Balm (Sweet Melissa) : Love, Success, Healing
Lemongrass: Repel Snakes, Lust, Psychic Powers
Lemon Verbena: Purification, Love
Lettuce: Chastity, Protection, Love, Divination, Sleep
Licorice: Love, Lust, Fidelity
Lilac: Exorcism, Protection
Lily: Protection, Breaking Love Spells
Lime: Healing, Love, Protection
Lotus: Protection, Lock-Opening
Lovage: Love
Marjoram: Protection, Love, Joy, Healing, Prosperity
Mistletoe: The Hunt, Lust, Healing, Love, Romance, Protection, Exorcism, Fertility, Air Elemental Invocation
Mugwort: Astral Projection, Potency, Mental Magic, Earth Elemental Invocation, Dream Magic, Protection, Healing
Mullein: Courage, Healing, Protection, Love, Romance, Divination, Exorcism
Musk: Lust, Control, Persuasion, Prosperity, Confidence, Courage
Myrrh: Protection, Exorcism, Purification, Healing, Spirituality. When burned with frankincense will exorcise negative
Neroli (Orange Flower):Purification, joy and sex.
Nettle: Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Lust. Great for reversing hexes.
Norfolk Island Pine: Protection, anti hunger
Nuts: Fertility, Prosperity, Love, Luck
Nutmeg: Clarity of Vision, Friendship, Confidence, Divination, Prosperity
Oats: Money
Olive: Healing, Peace, Fertility, Potency, Protection, Lust
Onion: Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Money,Prophetic Dreams, Lust
Orange: Love, Divination, Luck, Money -Sweet Orange oil is ideal for self-purification and for transforming depression
into peace or joy. It will increases energy in magickal workings.
Orchid: Love
Oregon Grape: Money, Prosperity ****TOXIC***
Orris Root: Love, Protection, Divination. Use in love spells. Sprinkle on sheets for passionate love-making.
Palm, Date: Leaves are often worn or carried to increase fertility. Plant tree to protect home from inclement weather.
Plant near entrance to keep evil and unwanted creatures from entering.
Pansy: Love, Rain Magic, Love, Divination
Papaya: Love, Protection
Parsley: Purification, Romance, Protection
Patchouli: Lust, Protection, Reversals, Hex Breaking, Returning Negative Energy To Its Source, Returns Harmful Magic,
Wealth, Money, Fertility, Riches, Earth Elemental Invocation. Great for love and desire or money and prosperity spells.
Pea: Money, Love
Peach: Love, Exorcism, Longevity, Fertility, Wishes
Pear: Lust, Love
Pecan: Money, Employment
Pennyroyal: Strength, Protection, Peace
Peony: Protection, Exorcism
Pepper: Protection, Exorcism
Peppermint: Purification, Sleep, Love, Healing, Psychic Powers
Periwinkle: Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Money, Protection
Persimmon: Changing Sex, Healing, Luck
Pimento: Love
Pineapple: Luck, Money, Chastity
Pistachio: Breaking Love Spells
Plantain: Healing, Protection, Strength, Snake Repelling
Plum: Healing
Plumeria: Love
Pomegranate: Divination, Luck, Wishes, Wealth, Fertility
Poppy: Fertility, Love, Sleep, Money, Luck, Invisibility
Potato: Image Magic, Healing
Primrose: Protection, Love
Purslane: Sleep, Love, Luck, Protection, Happiness
Raspberry: Protection, Love
Rhubarb: Protection, Fidelity
Rose: Love, Healing, Mental Magic, Divination, Wish Magic, Protection
Rosemary: Protection, Exorcism, Love, Friendship, Lust, Mental Magic, Purification, Rest, Beauty. Drink a light brew to
enhance mental ability. Burn for cleansing and purifying spaces. Use a sprig under you pillow to prevent bad dreams.
Rue: Healing, Health, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Love. Great for exorcising negativity as well as enhancing mental
Rye: Love, Fidelity
Saffron: Love, Healing, Happiness, Wind Raising, Lust, Strength, Psychic Powers.
Sage: Protection, Wisdom, Youth, Longevity, Wish Magic. Use in Money spells.
Sandalwood: Purification, Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Spirituality, Consecration
Sarsaparilla: Love, Money
Sassafras : Health, Money
Savory, Summer: Mental Powers
Scullcap: Love, Fidelity, Peace
Senna: Love
Sesame: Money. Lust
Shallot: Purification
Slippery Elm: Halts Gossip
Snapdragon: Protection
Solomons Seal: Protection, Exorcism
Sorrel Wood: Healing, Health
Spanish Moss: Protection
Spearmint: Healing, Love, Mental Powers
Spikenard: Love
St.Johns Wort: Health, Power, Protection, Strength,Love, Divination, Happiness.
Star, Anise: Psychic Powers, Luck
Strawberry: Love, Luck
Sugar Cane: Love, Lust
Sunflower: Fertility, Wishes, Health, Wisdom
Sweetgrass: Calling Spirits
Sweetpea: Friendship, Chastity, Courage, Strength
Tamarind: Love
Tansy: Health, Longevity
Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) Dragon's Wort, Little Dragon: Though undervalued in American gardens, French
Tarragon is a fragrant herb with a unique strong and slightly anise flavor that belongs in every cook's garden. Its energy
is strongly inviting. Use it to draw in life energy, fortify the will to live. Tarragon's energy will boost re-building and
expansion spells and it is excellent for repairing holes and filling voids in the energy system; not just for healing
purposes but with a view for future expansion and growth. Very positive, very life affirming and an excellent boost for
people who don't just want to be healthy, but go on to make their mark on the world.
Tea: Riches, Courage, Strength
Tobacco: Purification, Exorcism, Healing
Thyme: Health, Healing, Sleep, Psychic Powers, Love, Purification, Courage
Toadflax: Protection, Hex Breaking
Toadstool: Rain Making
Tobacco: Healing, Purification
Turmeric: Purification
Turnip: Protection, Ending Relationships
Urva Ursa: Psychic Workings
Valerian: Love, Purification, Rest, Protection, Sleep
Vanilla: Love, Lust, Mental Powers
Vervain: Love, Protection, Purification, Peace, Money, Youth, Chastity, Sleep, Healing
Vetivert: Love, Hex Breaking, Luck, Money, Anti-Theft
Violet: Protection, Luck, Love, Lust, Wishes, Peace, Healing
Walnut: Health, Mental Powers, Infertility, Wishes
Wheat: Fertility, Money
Willow: Love, Divination, Protection, Healing
Witch Hazel: Protection, Chastity
Wolfsbane:Aconite (Aconitum Napellus) Protection, Invisibility
Woodruff: Victory, Protection, Money
Wormwood: Psychic Powers, Protection, Love, Calling Spirits
Yarrow: Courage, Love, Psychic Powers, Exorcism
Yellow Evening Primrose: Hunting
Yerba Mate: Fidelity, Love, Lust
Yerba Santa: Beauty, Healing, Psychic Powers, Protection
Yew: Raising the Dead
Ylang Ylang: Lust, Fertility, Power, Social Power. Encourages a sense of interconnectedness with all things.
Yucca: Transmutation, Protection, Purification
NOTE: Some of these herbs are *POISON* Just because they are listed does not mean they are safe for ingestion.
Do your research before creating any potion to be used on the skin or in the body.